Json Web Token Using C#?

Saigon Technology
1 min readFeb 7, 2024


JWT, as defined by the open standard RFC 7519, offers a compact and self-contained method for securely transmitting information between parties in JSON format. This information, digitally signed, ensures verification and trustworthiness. In essence, JWT enables secure data exchange through cryptographic algorithms.

Typically, when individuals mention JWT, they are referring to JWS (JSON Web Signature), consisting of three parts separated by dots. While the payload is visible to anyone, the JWT remains secure due to its verifiability using the signature component. Platforms like jwt.io facilitate the debugging of generated tokens.

Additionally, JWT can be represented using JWE (JSON Web Encryption), enhancing confidentiality. With JWE, only the consumer has access to the payload content.

For the sake of brevity and simplicity, this post focuses solely on JWS generated by the HS256 algorithm. JWE will be explored in a separate post. Therefore, whenever JWT is mentioned herein, it specifically refers to JWS and not JWE.

Let’s explore at this article: https://saigontechnology.com/blog/json-web-token-using-c


