EDC or ODC — which offshore software development model suits your company? Read our Extended Development Centers vs. Offshore Development Centers review now.

Saigon Technology
5 min readJun 22, 2024


EDC or ODC — which offshore software development model suits your company? Read our Extended Development Centers vs. Offshore Development Centers review now.

Have you wondered how businesses handle software projects efficiently? They often use external development resources, like ODC and EDC. These models help optimize development and save costs. ODC and EDC might sound complex, but they’re crucial for businesses. Let’s clarify what they mean and compare the options. This will help you choose the right model for your needs.

What is an EDC?

An Extended Development Center (EDC) is like your company’s secret weapon. It’s a team of developers who work just like your in-house crew but from a different location. This setup, whether onshore or nearby, is all about syncing up with your company’s vibe and goals.

The EDC team dives deep into your culture, workflows, and aims. It basically becomes an extension of your business. This way, every project they handle feels like it’s completed right in your office. Unlike freelance teams that hop around on different projects, an EDC is all about your business.

They stick around for the long haul and work under your direct supervision. This hands-on approach means quicker decisions and smoother progress.

Picking an EDC comes with big perks. First, you get more control over what’s happening with your projects and how they’re done. Plus, having an EDC nearby means top-notch data security. This is vitally important in today’s digital world.

What is an ODC?

An Offshore Development Center (ODC) is like having a separate office in a different country. It’s where your business can get complex software development done. Picture a team that works on its own but understands your company’s goals perfectly.

It’s not just sending work elsewhere; it’s building a strong partnership that expands your business without the hassle of local or in-house setups.

ODCs are usually in countries where labor costs are low, but talent is high. This means you get skilled workers without breaking the bank. Having an offshore development center isn’t just about saving money; it’s about tapping into specialized skills that might be hard to find or expensive locally.

The perks of having an ODC are many. First off, it’s cheaper. Labor and infrastructure costs less than having a team at home. Plus, it’s flexible. You can adjust its size based on what projects need, so you’re not paying for what you don’t need.

Finally there’s the talent pool. You’re not just filling gaps; you’re adding top-notch skills to your team, which can boost innovation and keep you ahead in your industry.

ODC vs. EDC: Comparison

When choosing between an EDC and an ODC, it’s crucial to match your business needs with the right model. Below is a clear breakdown to help you align with your strategic goals.

  1. Control and Management

An EDC is like an extension of your in-house team. You control and oversee it directly, much like managing local staff. This is great for projects needing close management.

Conversely, an ODC model works more independently. You set goals, but day-to-day tasks are handled autonomously. This can lighten the load on your main team, but demands trust and strong communication to keep aligned with your goals.

2. Cost Implications

Costs can steer your decision. EDCs typically cost more due to higher operational costs in onshore or nearshore locations. They suit budgets that prioritize proximity.

ODCs, however, are cheaper. They tap into lower labor costs offshore, slashing overall development costs without sacrificing quality.

3. Communication and Collaboration

Distance affects communication. EDCs benefit from cultural and geographical closeness, easing misunderstandings and fostering better collaboration. They’re ideal for projects needing real-time teamwork.

An ODC might struggle with time differences and cultural gaps. Yet, these hurdles can be overcome with good planning and effective offshore development center services.

4. Security and Compliance

Security is critical. EDCs follow local data laws, often matching your standards better. This allows stricter data security and easier legal compliance.

ODCs need strong security practices and legal setups to meet international standards. This is challenging but doable with the right measures.

5. Scalability and Flexibility

For quick growth, ODCs excel in flexibility. They adapt to team sizes fast. So, they meet project needs with less hassle and cost than local hiring.

EDCs offer smoother integration with your current operations but may struggle to scale quickly because of higher costs and limited local talent.

6. Talent Pool

Choosing the right talent is vital. EDCs limit you to local or nearshore talent, which might be skilled but less diverse.

Offshore development services open up a global talent pool, bringing a wider range of skills and expertise essential for specialized or tech-heavy projects.

Which Should You Choose Between EDC & ODC?

Consider several key factors based on your business’s needs and goals. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide:

  1. Project Complexity and Duration

Complex, long-term projects work well with an EDC. This setup enhances team collaboration. For simpler, shorter projects, select an ODC. It’s great for fluctuating work and cost savings.

2. Budget Considerations

If your budget is large and the project requires close support, an EDC is better despite higher costs. With a tight budget, an ODC is ideal. It uses global resources to cut costs.

3. Control and Oversight Preferences

Choose an EDC for more control and easy integration with your company’s operations. If overseeing remote teams is manageable, an ODC can still offer superb control.

4. Risk Tolerance and Security Needs

An EDC is safer for sensitive projects because it is in closer compliance with local laws. An ODC can be secure, too, but it needs careful risk management and strong security measures.

Final Thoughts

Deciding between an EDC and an ODC is strategic, not just technical. EDCs act like part of your team, offering close integration. ODCs are detached but cheaper and great for specific tasks. The choice depends on your company’s needs and goals.

EDCs fit projects needing deep team integration and ongoing collaboration. Choose based on cost benefits that fit with your culture and operations. The right fit will help build a successful global operation.

Consider project complexity, control needs, and the overall business strategy. ODCs appeal to companies needing to scale fast without incurring huge costs. They use global talent pools cheaply, letting your main team focus on key tasks.

Saigon Technology has over 12 years of ODC experience. Our offshore services have completed many projects in various fields. We’re ready to tackle your challenges. Contact us for advice on the right model!

Source: https://saigontechnology.com/blog/odc-vs-edc

